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Your payments are split into 4 simple automated payments, every 2 weeks.
Head Stars Australia is a fun, entertaining and simple game you can play anywhere with your friends and family. The game includes 100 Head Stars cards featuring famous Aussie people, places, objects, TV shows and movies.
To play, contestants take a Head Stars card and position it on the head band without looking and place on their head facing their competitors. Contestants then play the game by asking questions with "yes" and "no" answers to determine, who or what, is displayed on their Head Stars card. To keep the game moving along, flip the 2 minute timer to be given clues until you guess correctly.
Includes 100 Head Stars cards, 4 head bands, 2 minute timer, 15 winners tokens and a detailed instructions sheet.
Shop at your favourite store, select Afterpay as your payment method.
Use your debit or credit card. Get Instant approval and your items straight away!
Your payments are split into 4 simple automated payments, every 2 weeks.
“A bloody cracker of a good time”.
Shuffle the cards and make separate piles for the black and white cards. Each player draws 10 white cards and should draw back up to 10 at the end of each round. The player who last drank a “cold one” goes first. They draw a black card and read it out loud. Everyone else picks their funniest white card to answer the prompt and puts it face down in a pile on the table. The player who read the black card now shuffles and reads the chosen white cards one by one. They pick their favourite and whomever’s card it was receives a black card as a point. The player to the left goes next to pick a black card and read it. First player to 10 points wins!
Can be played stand-alone but better when mixed in with other ‘fill in the blank’ party games.
Shop at your favourite store, select Afterpay as your payment method.
Use your debit or credit card. Get Instant approval and your items straight away!
Your payments are split into 4 simple automated payments, every 2 weeks.
Excl. Furniture, Prints & Some Home Decor*